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My name is Marusa. I was born in Slovenia where I grew up surrounded by forests, mountains, and lakes. After finishing University I moved abroad where I spent several years working in a 9-5 office job. But I realized that my life wasn’t going in the right direction.

So I decided to try something different. A desire to spend more time outdoors and use my creativity to write has been brewing inside me for some years.

I now want to use my passion for nature, the environment, and sustainability, to inspire others to take action. My dream is to show people how to reconnect with nature and how healing nature can be.

You can read more about what lead me to this path and why I’m making all these changes here.

natural simple life
Photo credit Matic Zorman

To follow my journey

you can sign up for Back to Nature Letters


subscribe to my YouTube channel Nature with Marusa

nature with marusa newsletter


Nature with Marusa was created with a desire to make changes in my life. I’ve put my thoughts and ideas together into a mission page so that I have a reminder of all the things I want to learn and focus on.

You can sign up for Back to Nature Letters, where I will share my journey with you.

Thank you so much for being here.

gratitude journal


I embarked on a one-year project of practicing gratitude every day. I wanted to re-evaluate and change my mindset and see what happens.

My daily practice slowly changed my attitude and I became more at peace. It was liberating and this experience will stay for me forever.

A Year of Gratitude is a collection of thoughts from my one year experiment.


nature with marusa newsletter

My Mission

When I thought long and hard about what I want to do with my life, the same thought…

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hiking SLovenia

Hiking is in my DNA

I absolutely love hiking.This probably comes from my upbringing because everyone in Slovenia does hiking – almost every…

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