When I thought long and hard about what I want to do with my life, the same thought kept coming to my mind.
It was to learn to live close to nature, in a sustainable way.
A slow and intentional life where I spend a lot of time outdoors, learning, and discovering different ways we are connected to nature.
To help me on my journey I put together some goals that I would like to work towards. It does seem a lot, but I don’t mind how long it takes me to get there, it’s all about the journey 🙂
1. Learn skills from my parents & grandparents
This includes things like:
- growing fruit & vegetables
- foraging
- cooking & baking traditional Slovenian dishes
- conserving & preserving food
- building & repairing things
2. Learn skills to live in a sustainable way
This means that I would like to live in a self-sufficient way, as much as possible. It would mean learning about:
- consuming less
- minimalism
- reducing my carbon footprint
- managing a permaculture homestead
- using renewable energy
- adopting a zero-waste approach
- upcycling and buying things second-hand
- eco farms and tourist farms
- beekeeping
3. Embrace mindfulness and slow living
This means finding time for being still, taking time off, recharging, putting my phone away, and disconnecting from the online content.
4. Share knowledge with others and inspire them to take positive action
I hope some of the skills and knowledge I gain on the way will be valuable to others. I want to encourage people to find a connection with nature and its healing powers. My thoughts and ideas from my journey back to nature will be shared on this blog. I will do this with:
- photographs
- blog articles
- videos
This list will be updated as my journey unfolds… 🙂
Become a part of Family and join my Back to Nature Letters. You will receive one email per month about my journey towards a more natural, simple life.
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You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel Nature with Marusa

Go Maruša go, sorry walk Maruša, we are just close behind.
Thank you Anka! You can teach me all about olives and foraging capers! 🙂