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Why Your First Thought in the Morning Matters

    Today I was sitting in a small quirky cafe and I wondered…What is the first thing that crosses your mind when you wake up?

    That very moment you open your eyes and you become aware of yourself and your surroundings.

    I guess it makes a difference. Is the thought good or bad? Happy or grumpy? With meaning or completely random? Or are you just too sleepy to over-think and care only to think of what to do with yourself on a practical level?

    For me, it certainly depends on the day of the week and what time it is. And of course, if there’s somebody with me or if I’m alone. 🙂

    Nevertheless, something is true: Whenever you wake up and think about how thankful you are… you’ve just made yourself a great morning.

    Gratitude is a powerful feeling that I try to practice on a daily basis. I even embarked on a one-year project of practicing gratitude that ended up changing my life.

    That’s all there is – What we make out of each moment.


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