It’s already springtime and time for some much-needed house cleaning. I have decided it’s time to clear out things I don’t need anymore. It’s all that clutter I stashed away in wardrobes and drawers over the year, successfully hidden from plain sight.
High consumerism habits that we formed mean that we tend to accumulate things. This inevitably makes you feel suffocated as you don’t even use or need most of them.

Make a Plan to Declutter Your Home
So how do you start decluttering your home? I follow a simple plan:
1. Check your drawers, under the bed and all the shelves
2. Throw away anything that is of no use whatsoever
3. Really think twice about whether an object has an emotional value. Does it really? If it does, then keep it. Otherwise, it needs to go.
4. Check your clothes and remove any that you have not worn for the past year. You can donate them if they are in a good state.
5. By now you should be feeling this lightness. If not, go through some more stuff.
You can separate things into two boxes: one for charity donations and one for recycling. Make sure you dispose of the things that are not suitable to be donated to charity or second-hand appropriately. Recycling helps cut down on waste and encourages a circular economy.
Having too much stuff around us can make you feel overwhelmed and it can even become suffocating. This is especially true if the stuff is unimportant and unnecessary – all those things you could live without. It is proven that removing clutter from you home is beneficial to your well-being.
Furthermore, if getting rid of clutter makes you re-evaluate your shopping habits then this can help reduce the wasteful lifestyles we lead. Which, in return, helps the environment recover. By buying less stuff, less stuff ends up in landfills. This means less pollution and more land being kept in its natural form.
Clutter out, sunshine in. 🙂
I am very passionate about sustainability and nature, therefore I encourage everyone to take steps, no matter how big or small, towards leading a more sustainable life.

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