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One of the Healthiest Waters In the World: Mineral Spring Water in Slovenia

    Have you ever wondered what kind of water you are drinking? Water quality varies a lot in different parts of the world.

    Slovenia Has One of the Best Tap Water in the World

    Slovenia is one of the countries where access to water has been written in the law as a basic human right. It’s essential for people to have their right protected and defined in the law. So this was a great step in the right direction.

    Slovenia is also one of the most water-rich European countries, but moreover it also boasts tap water of incredible quality. Both Slovenians and experts in the healing effects of mineral water have enjoyed the popular local mineral waters for centuries. Some of these can be tasted at their very source if you visit the places from which they originate from.

    The choice of bottled water (make sure you buy the glass bottles, if you really need to!) in Slovenian shops is wide. There are two sparkling mineral waters with great international reputation: Radenska Three Hearts and Donat Mg.

    Donat Mg is a famous bottled water containing the highest Magnesium content in the world.

    And in Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016, there are 31 urban drinking fountains available in the warmer months. Pretty impressive for such a young and geographically small country!

    Zgornje Jezersko Slovenia
    Plansarsko jezero, Zgornje Jezersko, Slovenia

    The mineral water spring in Jezersko – Jezerska slatina

    A mineral water spring with healing properties can be found in Zgornje Jezersko. It’s called “Jezerska slatina”.

    The municipality created a publicly available (and free!) access to this water by installing a fountain. The fountain is located a bit further away from the source, but this makes it more easily accessible to residents and visitors. You can see people visiting the fountain every day – to fill up their bottles, and enjoy its healing properties.

    Watch the below video about my visit to the water fountain with one of the healthiest natural spring waters in Slovenia!

    Why is Jezersko natural spring water so special?

    Because it has the highest magnesium content of all mineral waters in Slovenia, this is why it is especially recommended to people with cardiovascular diseases. It is high in magnesium, calcium and ammonium.

    This kind of water is used for medical purposes in Germany and in neighbouring Eisenkappel for baths.

    Due to its high magnesium content which speeds up digestion, it is recommended to only have two decilitres a day.

    Zgornje Jezersko
    Zgornje Jezersko, green colours everywhere

    How to find the natural spring water source in Jezersko?

    From the main road in Zgornje Jezersko take the second exit left after the sign for Planšarsko jezero and continue on a gravel road until you reach a bridge. Right after the bridge, on your left, you will see the fountain. You can park your car for a short time to try the water.


    Have you tried any natural spring waters from its source? Did you like the taste of it?

    Let me know in the comments below.

    Jezersko spring water source
    Natural spring water in Zgornje Jezersko – in winter time the fountain is closed, so you have to take a couple of steps down to the river, where there is another pipe installed – this one works in winter time.

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