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Two Bloggers Love It In Ljubljana

    What many of us only dream to do – Dalene & Peter Heck actually did it.

    They decided to sell everything and travel the world. Their blog Hectic Travels is full of tips on how to travel continuously, what to see and what to love. All this accompanied by great photos from many inspiring parts of our beautiful Earth. Calling themselves storytellersΒ is indeed a fairly accurate description.

    “Ten minutes into our exploration of the old city center, on a foggy and cold November night, I was brought to tears. After two and a half years of traveling, no other place has affected me like this, no other place has evoked such an immediate and profound claim of love from me.”

    This was their first impression about Ljubljana that caused them to consider making it their home after so many years of traveling. That sure is something, right?

    You can also check:

    Ljubljana after dark

    Postcards from Slovenia

    ….and many more wanderings on their blog.

    Reading their glimpse of Ljubljana surprised me and made me see it in a different light once again! Surprises are fun!

    Love locks
    Photo: M. G.

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