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Electric Cars Offering Free Rides in Ljubljana

Do gentlemen still exist nowadays? The world needs gentlemen, the world cheers for cavaliers. It really does. But ladies, you can also get a daily dose of chivalry in Ljubljana while walking the streets.

I am talking about a different kind of a gentleman. But nevertheless one worth every smile and every minute.

The gentleman of the hour is a cute green vehicle called Cavalier (Kavalir in Slovenian) that picks you up from anywhere in Ljubljana city center and takes you wherever you wish – free of charge!

Yes, you read that right – there are eco-friendly electric cars offering free rides in the capital of Slovenia. It’s pretty cool. 🙂

There are two electric vehicles available every day from April till the end of October from 09:00 – 18:00 and on Sunday from 08:00 – 17:00. All you have to do is call it with your phone or stop it on the street.

Ljubljana electric car free

Whoever came up with that idea, I salute them. Even though I actually do meet some real gentlemen from time to time, I must thank the city for offering a free dose of chivalry in case I need it.

To all cavaliers and gentlemen. May they always exist!

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