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The Lively Town of Ljubljana

    Yesterday Ljubljana became very alive and bustling with people and events. This is because more than 150 non-governmental institutions presented the work they do and people filled the streets, especially the main square.

    There were concerts, impro shows, theatre plays, dancing, and fashion catwalks. Many activities that Slovenians participate in were showcased.

    Walking past an older woman doing lace art, young enthusiasts playing music and dancing capoeira on the street, and many other creative souls trying to make the world a better place.

    Ljubljana square
    Photo: M. G.

    The Festival of NGOs

    The Festival of non-governmental institutions was carried out in form of a bazaar. This meant that there were stands offering information and their representatives engaging with visitors. The purpose was to show how organizations raise the level of quality of life and enrich residents’ everyday life.

    For me it was a no brainer – I quickly joined the stand showcasing swing dancing. It had a lovely old gramophone, sweets, and nice-looking ladies dressed in vintage dress code. Later on, swingers also danced on stage to show people how much fun social dancing is.

    In the vast collection of stands, I just happened to stumble upon a stand of Slovenian Cyclists’ Network, and voila! Joined their organization. I am in love with cycling so it was an obvious hookup. They were happy to get a new member too.

    Fun, Inspiring & Creative Ljubljana

    The world seems so colorful and diverse when you see all possibilities of what to do, where you can put your passion in and create. It is impossible not to love life when there is so much to look forward to. Creating great things together with inspiring people brings special joy and a sense of belonging.

    The city was alive and the feeling of the strong connection between the city and its people was expressed to the fullest. People breathed together with the city and the city nurtured them with colors and feelings.

    Except in the open market and in cafés along the river, this sensation is not present every day in Ljubljana. They do try to create this kind of atmosphere with all sorts of things very often and I am very happy that they do.

    I greatly value any kind of happening – street performers, art exhibitions, interesting initiatives, street dancing, and open-air concerts, because it makes a city much more fun and pleasant to live in.

    Should a city have such an atmosphere all the time? Are people more engaged and less stressed, if they feel constant curiosity and involvement?

    People breathing together with their city.

    Festival of non-governmental organisations
    Photo: M. G.
    making lace
    Photo: M. G.
    Capoeira Ljubljana
    Photo: M. G.

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