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Cycling will Change Your Life

    Cities with a strong cycling culture are far more appealing and pleasant to live in than those without. The sound of roaring cars, hectic humping, car crashes, bumps, and that awful smell is not appealing at all. Not to mention problems with parking spaces and the overall pollution of air.

    In Europe, cycling is highly developed and a very popular mode of transport. This is mainly due to promoting a healthy lifestyle, creating nice-looking urban cityscape, and cycling being recognized as trendy. It is true – having fewer cars and more people cycle around is surely a nice thing.

    Cycling is awesome, I think we can all agree on that.

    It’s great for the environment, it’s a free and easy exercise, it gets you from A to B, and it saves you money. Do I need to go on? If you don’t have one, you should go get one. Today.

    Three days later I got a »new« bicycle from my grandfather, which is probably the oldest bicycle I have ever ridden, it must be from the 50s! 🙂 I really love its super retro look and hopefully, no one will want to steal a bike of such age. Hopefully.

    You can get a second-hand bicycle from local websites or shops. There are some cities where the local authorities collect bicycles from rivers and canals, fix them up and then offer them to its residents for free. These initiatives help keep the environment clean and create a circular economy where the local residents can re-use perfectly good items.

    Old school bicycle
    My grandfather’s bicycle

    There is a special magic in the city if you can walk and cycle around in peace without the sound and smell of the cars. Ljubljana is one of the European cities that is cycle-friendly where cycling is really enjoyable.

    To car-less cities, bless you!

    I am very passionate about sustainability and nature, therefore I encourage everyone to take steps, no matter how big or small, towards leading a more sustainable life.

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    0 thoughts on “Cycling will Change Your Life”

    1. Bloody bike thiefs! Sadly, I suppose that’s just the consequence of having a bike-friendly city. I was positively amazed by the amount of people on bikes when I came to Ljubljana first time. I didn’t expect this as I didn’t experience any bike-friendlyness in any post-socialist city (sorry for this comparison).

      Keep on writing 😉 stephan

      1. Haha, indeed there probably isn’t any post-socialist city with such a big cycling culture. But we were different than any of them already in Tito times. Probably exactly because of him. 🙂

        Will try to read your mysterious blog in german. Can’t wait! 😉

      1. Jean I know. Maybe it sounded a bit too random. I was not so sad, because they only stole the bicycle seat. Also, everyone uses really old bikes – exactly because of the danger of thefts. For cycling in the city, they don’t use good bicycles.

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