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Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine


This week’s weekly photo challenge is about a place, object, or view that’s entirely yours. Is it a feeling you feel when you look at the photo, or perhaps an unwillingness to share?

When I thought about this challenge, a special ritual came to my mind.

During my three years studying on the coast of Slovenia, me and my best friend came up with the idea of sitting on the shore on the longest day of the year.

So every 21st of June for the past three years we sat on the shore in Piran. We watched the sunset while reminiscing about life. Sometimes we noticed the changing colors as the sun slowly sank in the calm sea. It became an every year thing – our thing, our ritual.

Even though I don’t live on the coast anymore, I hope to keep on doing it in the following years.

Sunset on the longest day 2012
This year a funny shaped cloud covered the final stage of sunset, Photo: M. G.

Maybe I will invite others to join this ritual and it will not be solely my thing anymore. They say the best things are truly best only when shared. Hugs to the Adriatic, see you next year on the 21st!


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